Venus Factor – Losing Weight With The Venus Factor Weight Loss System

venus factor reviewFor many women, trying to get to the right weight is something that becomes the bane of their lives. Most women are keen to not only look good by being a healthy weight but also to feel healthier and boost their overall well being by reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.
However, as most women are only too well aware, actually achieving this goal can be far more difficult than anticipated.
While we all know that healthy eating and exercise is a key part of achieving optimum weight down and maintaining that weight, sometimes this just isn’t enough.
There are many women who find themselves in need of a helping hand when it comes to their weight and body shape, as otherwise they may find that they succeed for a short while but then things grind to a halt. This can result in lost motivation and can even result in the risk of falling off the wagon and going back to square one.
I strongly recommend you to WATCH OUR VIDEO which should give you a fair idea on the specifics of weight loss programs for women.

How can the Venus Factor help?

the venus factorWhile there are many programs, products, and supplements on the market that are designed to help women achieve their weight and body shape goals, many of these are generic and do not take into consideration the individual needs and bodies of women.
This is where Venus Factor differs, as this program does take into account that each woman’s body as well as needs may be different.
The Venus Index is what lies at the core of this program, and this is worked out by taking into consideration your hip, waist, and height measurements in order to determine the ideal measurements for your body. You can then use the index to look at the steps you will need to take in order to achieve the results you want in terms of your body shape.
It is important to remember that the Venus Factor does not focus on just losing weight but on what steps you need to take to achieve your goal weight and body shape. For some women this will mean having to lose weight but for others who are underweight it may mean taking steps to put weight on.
With the Venus Factor both of these situations can be addressed, so whether you are overweight or underweight you can start taking action.

You can check out their official site here for a free video filled with some amazingly useful tips

venus factor program

What the Venus Factor includes

The Venus Factor program includes a host of tools, resources, and complements, all of which are geared towards helping you to reach that all important weight loss and body shape goal.
Some of the things that are included in the program include:
Eating guide: This program comes with an invaluable Body Centric Eating Guide, and this is designed to show you how you need to eat in order to achieve your ideal body shape.
This is done by calculating how many calories you need to consume based on the measurements of your hips, waist, and your height. Depending on this information you may need to drop or increase your calorie intake based on whether you need to lose or gain weight.
Workout manual: Another important component of the system is the Venus Factor workout manual, which spans twelve weeks and covers several different phases. This is designed to be used in conjunction with the eating guide in order to help you to achieve your optimum body shape.
Each of the workout phases lasts for a four week period and provides a set routine that you will need to adhere to. These workouts are designed to not only help you achieve a healthy weight and to help shape the body but also to get you toned up.
Membership: Moral support can be a very important part of achieving your weight and body shape goals. The Venus Factor program gives you membership to the community so you always have the support of other people who are in a similar situation and are also trying to reach their optimum shapes and weights.

A gradual but effective process

venus factor systemOne thing you should bear in mind about the Venus Factor program is that it is not a miracle program and is not going to get you into shape overnight. This is something that you have to work at and the Venus Factor is there to help you along the way.
Getting into shape and achieving your ideal body shape can be a long and arduous process and will require a lot of work, motivation, and discipline. However, this program provides you with the tools, resources, information, and even support that you need in order to boost the chances of success when it comes to achieving your body shape and weight goals.